Why Does My Baby Always Stare at Me

Why does my baby stare at me?

(29 Posts)

HarryB Mon 20-Apr-09 12:52:24

Perhaps a empty-headed question but MNers aren't judgemental so hither I am asking it. My DS1 volition sit down and stare at me for what seems like ages on end. When DH holds him, he turns his head to stare at me, and he is now in his bouncer, staring at me. he volition sometimes pause the stare with a grin when I talk to him just other than that, information technology's more than staring. I idea information technology might be boredom simply I make certain I do plenty with him during the mean solar day, without overstimulating him. Does he not know who I am, or does he non like me sad. Near of all, is it normal?

FluffyBunnyGoneBad Monday xx-Apr-09 12:54:13

He'south learning, he's examining your face and looking at how your face changes. Information technology's normal, part of his bonding process with you. He's getting to know you aswell smile Talk to him, grinning, this is how they learn. Honest!

BigBellasBeerBelly Mon xx-April-09 13:00:34

He is fascinated past your beauty smile

(This is normal. Some people accept been known to exist freaked out by information technology!)

frumpygrumpy Mon 20-April-09 thirteen:04:37

He recognises you lot. You are about the only thing he does recognise. He feels prophylactic when you are in that location and when he can run across you. He has bonded! A expert thing! Feel gratuitous to conversation to him similar he was any age.

You lot could buy a book like "What to Expect The First Year", it explains what is happening to him on a calendar month past month growth basis (what he can hear, what he tin see etc) and can be interesting to sympathize where he is on a development basis. Its a rough guide and shouldn't accept information technology too literally though. There might be improve ones out there, my one is ancient and a fleck American.

DuffyFluckling Mon 20-Apr-09 13:x:08

Because he luuuurves yous!


BigBellasBeerBelly Mon 20-Apr-09 thirteen:thirteen:48

I liked that what to expect book as well frumpy. Gives a range of ideas for things rather than just prescribing one method as per certain other people nosotros don't mention wink

babyphat Monday 20-Apr-09 thirteen:14:16

because you are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen and he's learning your face off by heart

pramspotter Mon 20-Apr-09 thirteen:19:52

Awww, it's considering y'all are the centre of his piffling earth!!

HarryB Mon 20-Apr-09 13:21:01

Thank god for that. Thank yous ladies, I feel much better now.

Frumpy, I do have the book "your baby week by week" just information technology doesn't cover every dumb arse question I have grin

pookamoo Monday 20-Apr-09 xiii:43:55

Definitely because he LOVES YOU!

piscesmoon Mon 20-Apr-09 13:57:37

I would agree-he is learning to differentiate faces and loves you!

Horton Monday 20-Apr-09 13:59:32

My girl once stared so hard at a man on a train when she was a few months old that he got upwardly and moved seat.

And yes, he's doing information technology considering he loves yous and considering faces are the most interesting thing he can encounter and because he wants to learn everything near everything. He'south merely starting with faces.

HarryB Mon xx-Apr-09 14:04:13

I'm liking these answers; making me all smiley. You know, I detest my MiL even more now than usual. She saw DS staring at me last calendar week and I asked why he could be doing information technology and she said sod all, notwithstanding information technology sounds like an experienced mum would know. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be so insecure and request the question in the outset identify. Spiteful bitch. Distressing, for going OT merely she makes me angry

I noticed in my op that I said DS1, I meant DS. Only have the ane baby smile

Horton Mon xx-Apr-09 14:14:04

I'm guessing perchance your MIL never really idea virtually information technology or wondered what was going on when her baby or babies were small. My MIL is quite clearly a very loving and kind mother (she thinks her children are absolutely perfect in every way) merely she has some kind of peculiar thought that little babies don't actually have thoughts or feelings, which led to some weird discussions when my daughter was tiny. I suspect when hers were small she never fifty-fifty wondered what they were thinking about etc because she just thought they couldn't.

BigBellasBeerBelly Mon 20-Apr-09 14:14:20


Unless there are other issues (which there may well be) don't be too hard on her - my own mother claims not to be able to recall anything at all virtually birth/feeding/weaning or anything on the footing that it was 30 years ago. Which is fair enough I suppose, merely how can anyone seriously non recollect if they BF?!!!

HarryB Mon 20-Apr-09 14:31:49

Bella, in that location are issues ample, at that place is a whole thread on information technology grin

BigBellasBeerBelly Mon xx-Apr-09 sixteen:41:21

Aha. In that case train the babe to stare pointedly at your MIL every time she says something ludicrous smile

pookamoo Mon 20-Apr-09 18:05:56

DD has a wonderful pout that she dishes out to certain people in between long stares! We telephone call information technology the Paddington Bear Stare.

Babies love to stare at things, and their Mummy is the center of their little world, and then they will stare at you lot all day if they tin can.

But having said that, given half the hazard I would probably stare at DD all day also, she'southward and so scrummy, and I bet your DS is the aforementioned!

frumpygrumpy Mon xx-Apr-09 18:xvi:51

And MN is here for all/whatsoever "impaired arse" questions grin <<fg peels up shirt to show DUMBARSE tattoo on tum>>

OrmIrian Monday xx-April-09 xviii:eighteen:16

Considering y'all are juggling with flaming torches?

OrmIrian Mon twenty-Apr-09 18:18:16

Because you are juggling with flaming torches?

screamingabdab Mon twenty-Apr-09 19:58:01

HarryB This thread has made me go all warm and fuzzy .
Oh, to have a babe stare at my face all day! (not a half-dozen year old stare at my bum and say "mummy, you have a large bum")

Seriously, how onetime is DS1? Is he of smiling age yet ?

The reason I inquire is that DS1 was much less of a smiler, more than of an observer, so the staring seemed quite intense (anybody used to say what a "serious" baby he was), whereas DS2, at the same age, was all jazz-hands, big smile "detect me" grin

BigBellasBeerBelly Mon 20-April-09 20:03:09

BTW Harry loving that MNers aren't judgemental - accept you tried an AIBU thread nevertheless? grin

HarryB Mon 20-Apr-09 xx:55:xx

Oh no Bella, not ventured to the AIBU thread. I'm as well frightened. grin

Screamingabdab, DS is 14 weeks. He is grinning and chuckling, apparently not 24/7 (that's some other dumb question I asked my friend, who said "bless, when they offset smile, doesn't mean all day long").
The staring can be quite intense, like he's reading my thoughts, but if it'due south because he loves me then he tin stare away. smile

pookamoo Mon 20-April-09 22:05:47

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Why Does My Baby Always Stare at Me

Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/behaviour_development/741796-Why-does-my-baby-stare-at-me

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